Custom Backflow Enclosure

Sale price Price $490.00 Regular price $490.00 Unit price  per 

We have heard time and again about making those sprinkler pipes more presentable by covering them up. It adds freeze protection as well. While standard backflow nylon/velcro covers can do the trick for several seasons, have you considered a constructed cover?

Let us know if you are interested in this service and how we might customize a box for your house decor!

We are adding premium backflow clientele to a "Activate First, Winterize Last" list to provide for you a maximized irrigation flexibility. (Activation Week in Spring approximately the week of Mar 17.  Winterization Week in Fall approximately the week of Nov 6.)

(Standard construction covers most backflow systems.  $60-$120 extra for substantially larger systems and/or nonstandard setups).

Thank you for choosing Water Ketch Sprinkler.